Award winning natural cosmetics from Finland!
Embrace the Power of Natural Cosmetics
Discover the luxurious cosmetics meticulously crafted with expertise and care in Sipoo, Finland. Embrace beauty naturally.

Award Winning Cream! ENBA2024 Excellence Award winner!
KEIDAS Cosmetics Silky Lavender Cream won the Excellence Award at European Natural Beauty Awards 2024 in Stockholm! The Excellence award signifies the product is effective, aligned with its claims and endorsed by ENBA24 Star jury!
Silky lavender (all-over) cream
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Silky smooth
"Silky Lavender Cream just has such a wonderful literally silky texture. I use it for both my face and body and I do not use any other cream anymore."
-Sonja 41 yrs
Perfect for the whole body but especially for the feet
"I tried the Peppermint Cream all over my body, and I was very pleased with its refreshing effect. The best way for me to use it is to apply it to tired feet before going to bed."
-Nicholas 38 yrs
Sensitive enough as moisturizer for skin with eczema
"I have a quite extreme form of eczema and when it is at its worst, most creams feels irritating on the skin. I used Silky Lavender Cream to moisturize my hands and I noticed it did not irritate my skin as the basic creams do. Ever since, I have not stopped using it."
-Niko 24 yrs
Helped with damaged cuticles
"My hands were extremely sore due to dry, damaged cuticles that caused pain. I applied Silky Lavender Cream to soften them, and it didn’t sting or irritate, even on the painful areas. By the next day, the pain was gone, and I noticed a significant improvement in my cuticles."
-Sara 26 yrs
Alleviated symptoms of contact dermatitis
"I got contact dermatitis symptoms from keeping my wrist watch on while sweating and the plastic wrist band must have irritated my skin. The irritation resulted in a bid red patch of reactive skin. I used Silky Lavender cream, which felt pleasant on the rash and in few days the rash was noticeably better."
-Pekka 37 yrs
Calmed down skin rash
"The lavender cream calmed down my flaky and dry eczema within a few days without any stinging. Although the cream has a pleasant lavender scent, it doesn’t cause me any allergic reactions."
-Sirpa 68 yrs